Effects of roasting and boiling on the yield, quality and oxidative stability of extracted soya bean oil

Samuel Kofi Tulashie, Francis Kotoka, Amponsah Preko Appiah, Philip Awuah, Bright K.A. Baiden

Article ID: 424
Vol 1, Issue 2, 2018


In this study, the effect of roasting and boiling on the yield and oxidative stability of soya bean oil was investigated. The oil was soxhlet extracted and the oxidative stability was determined by the free fatty acid value, acid value and peroxide value. The results showed that the oil yield, free fatty acid value, acid value and peroxide value were significantly affected by roasting, boiling, and the thermal treatment time. The percentage oil yield in the control oil sample was 18.51%, which increased to 20.24% and 20.73% after boiling and roasting respectively, at 40mins. The corresponding free fatty acid and the peroxide value of the control oil sample were 0.14% and 2.04 meqO2/kg, which increased to 0.82% and 6.60 meqO2/kg by roasting, and 0.47% and 5.62 meqO2/kg by boiling respectively. Thus the oil yield, free fatty acid value, peroxide value, and acid value increased with increasing roasting and boiling time.
The results indicate that roasting provides a higher oil yield than boiling, but boiled oil has higher oxidative stability than roasted oil.


Roasting; Boiling; Soya bean; Oil Extraction; Oxidative stability

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/tse.v1i2.424


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