Radiation heat transfer of hybrid nanofluid stagnation point flow across a stretching porous cylinder

Ziad Khan, Rashid Jan, Muhammad Jawad, Fawad Hussain

Article ID: 2595
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023


The current study provides a comprehensive analysis of MHD hybrid nanofluids and stagnation point flow toward a porous stretched cylinder in the presence of thermal radiation. Here, alumina (Al2O3) and copper (Cu) are considered the hybrid nanoparticles, while water (H2O) is the base fluid. To begin, the required similarity transformations are applied to transform the nonlinear coupled PDEs into nonlinear coupled ODEs. The obtained highly nonlinear sets of ODEs are then solved analytically by using the HAM procedure. The calculations of the thermal radiation term in the energy equation are done based on the Roseland approximation. The result of various embedded variables on temperature and velocity profiles is drawn and explained briefly. Aside from that, the numerical solution of well-known physical quantities, like skin friction and the Nusselt number, is computed by means of tables for the modification of the relevant parameter. The analysis shows that the magnetic field has opposite behavior on θ(η) and f'(η) profiles. It is seen that more magnetic factors M decline f'(η) and upsurge θ(η). Moreover, the behavior of skin friction and the Nusselt number are the same for the magnetic parameter M. Meanwhile, a higher Reynolds number Re declines temperature profile and skin friction while upsurging the local Nusselt number. There are many applications of this study that are not limited to engineering and manufacturing, such as polymer industry, crystal growth, tumor therapy, plasma, fusing metal in electric heaters, nuclear reactors, asthma treatment, gastric medication, cooling of atomic systems, electrolytic biomedicine, helical coil heat exchangers, axial fan design, polymer industry, plane counter jets, and solar collectors.


hybrid nanofluid; stagnation point flow; thermal radiation; porous stretching cylinder

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/tse.v6i2.2595


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