Experimental designs applied to a direct expansion heat pump with solar energy

Francis B. Gorozabel-Chata, Tania Carbonell-Morales

Article ID: 1540
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022


The direct expansion heat pump with solar energy is an energy conversion system used for water heating applications, air heating for air conditioning buildings, water desalination, solar drying, among others. This paper reviews the main designs and analysis of experiments in order to identify the fundamental objectives of any experiment which may be: to determine the factors that have a significant influence, to obtain a mathematical model and/or to optimize performance. To achieve this task, the basic and advanced configuration of this system is described in detail in order to characterize its thermal performance by means of energy analysis and/or exergy-based analysis. This review identifies possible lines of research in the area of design and analysis of experiments to develop this water heating technology for industrial applications.


Heat Pump; Solar Energy; Direct Expansion; Exoergic Analysis; Design of Experiments

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/tse.v5i2.1540


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