Research on Optimization of collector module of new flat plate heat pipe PV/T heat pump system

Hongbing Chen, Baowu Li, Congcong Wang, Huaning Yao, Xiaokun Zhang, Rui Zhao, Junhui Sun

Article ID: 1517
Vol 4, Issue 2, 2021


The mathematical model of a new flat plate heat pipe PV/T heat pump system is established. The experimental data of the system under various working conditions are obtained through experimental measurement, and the accuracy and reliability of the model are verified. Based on the verified mathematical model, the thermal performance, electrical performance and the performance of the heat pump system are simulated. The results show that under winter conditions, the daily average thermal power, electrical power and COP of the system are 274.5 W, 93.5 W and 2.7 W respectively. Due to the low outdoor ambient temperature in winter, during winter operation, the heat collection system will lose a lot of heat to the surrounding environment through the photovoltaic panel surface, resulting in the heat collection of the system cannot meet the heat demand of the heat pump side, which is intuitively shown as the water temperature of the heat collection tank on the evaporation side shows a downward trend throughout the day. Therefore, the collector module of the system is optimized by adding a collector. After optimization, the daily average thermal power of the system is increased to 654.2 W and the COP is increased to 6.9.


Flat Plate Heat Pipe; PV/T; Heat Pump; Numerical Simulation; Performance Optimization

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Copyright (c) 2021 Hongbing Chen, Baowu Li, Congcong Wang, Huaning Yao, Xiaokun Zhang, Rui Zhao, Junhui Sun

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