Wolfram Mathematica, exact solutions for heat transfer methods applied to extrusion processes

Antonio-Jiménez Ramos, Juan Francisco-Puertas Fernández, Margarita J.-Lapido Rodríguez, Julio Rafael-Gómez Sarduy, Yulier-Jiménez Santana, Fidel-Sosa Núñez

Article ID: 1508
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021


Computer programs for the solution of everyday problems are very common because of the speed with which results can be obtained, which by traditional methods would be very laborious and especially those in which the solutions take repeated calculations. The work intends to demonstrate how, through programming, applying the exact solution method, fast and precise results can be obtained on similarities and differences between different geometries in heattransfer, which demonstrate the behavior, according to parameters, under equal conditions (geometric properties, diameters, lengths, thicknesses, volumes) and physical properties (thermal conductivity, specific heat and density), appreciating how they influence results such as cooling times, production according to the physical properties and design of the equipment, consumption rates, core and surface temperatures and others, according to the plastic pipe extrusion method, necessary in production processes that require constant monitoring.


Extrusion Processes; Simple Geometries; Modeling; Physical Properties; Heat Transfer; Wolfram Mathematica Software

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/tse.v4i1.1508


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Copyright (c) 2021 Antonio-Jiménez Ramos, Julio Rafael-Gómez Sarduy, Juan Francisco-Puertas Fernández, Yulier-Jiménez Santana, Margarita J.-Lapido Rodríguez, Fidel-Sosa Núñez

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