Energy at the boundary of an elastic and thermoelastic mediums under different theories of thermoelasticity

Kamal Kumar, Vandana Gupta, Manoj Kumar, Shruti Goel

Article ID: 10909
Vol 8, Issue 1, 2025


The study examines the impact of various theories on the reflection and transmission phenomena caused by obliquely incident longitudinal and transverse waves at the interface between a continuously elastic solid half-space and a thermoelastic half-space, using multiple thermoelastic models. Numerical calculations reveal that the thermoelastic medium supports one transmitted transverse wave and two transmitted longitudinal waves. The modulus of amplitude proportions is analyzed as a function of the angle of incidence, showing distinct variations across the studied models. Energy ratios, derived from wave amplitudes under consistent surface boundary conditions for copper, are computed and compared across angles of incidence. The results demonstrate that the total energy ratio consistently sums to one, validating energy conservation principles. Graphical comparisons of amplitude proportions and energy ratios for SV and P waves across different models illustrate significant differences in wave behavior, emphasizing the influence of thermoelastic properties on wave transmission and reflection.


coupled model; two-phase-lag model; G-N model; three-phase-lag model; reflection; transmission; G-L model; amplitude ratio; energy ratio; L-S model

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