Thermal Science and Engineering

eISSN: 2578-1782

Journal Abbreviation:

Therm. Sci. Eng.

Thermal Science and Engineering (TSE) is an international open access journal that publishes high-quality articles that span activities ranging from fundamental thermodynamic scientific research to the applied discussion of maximising thermodynamic efficiencies and minimising all heat losses. Topics cover thermal biology, nanotechnology, thermal energy transport, thermodynamics, thermal medical systems, and devices, etc.

Interests include, are not limited to, those related to all areas of thermal science and engineering:

  1. Energy systems, efficiency, and sustainability
  2. Manufacturing of micro and macro devices
  3. Solar system
  4. Refrigeration system
  5. Combustion system
  6. Petrochemical processing
  7. Thermal transfer processes in the traditional fields
  8. Thermal biological and medical system
  9. New understanding of heat, air, moisture transfer, etc.


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Vol 8, No 1 (2025)

Table of Contents

Open Access
Article ID: 9781
by G. A. Evangelakis, I. E. Lagaris, D. G. Papageorgiou, C. Prouskas
Therm. Sci. Eng. 2025, 8(1);   

We present an innovative enthalpy method for determining the thermal properties of phase change materials (PCM). The enthalpy-temperature relation in the “mushy” zone is modelled by means of a fifth order Obreshkov polynomial with continuous first and second order derivatives at the zone boundaries. The partial differential equation (PDE) for the conduction of heat is rewritten so that the enthalpy variable is not explicitly present, rendering the equation nonlinear. The thermal conductivity of the PCM is assumed to be temperature dependent and is modelled by a fifth order Obreshkov polynomial as well. The method has been applied to lauric acid, a standard prototype. The latent heat and the conductivity coefficient, being the model parameters, were retrieved by fitting the measurements obtained through a simple experimental procedure. Therefore, our proposal may be profitably used for the study of materials intended for heat-storage applications.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9883
by Sriram Chidambaranathan
Therm. Sci. Eng. 2025, 8(1);   

A numerical investigation utilizing water as the working fluid was conducted on a 2D closed loop pulsating heat pipe (CLPHP) using the CFD software AnsysFluent19.0. This computational fluid dynamics (CFD) investigation explores three instances where there is a consistent input of heat flux in the evaporator region, but the temperatures in the condenser region differ across the cases. In each case, the condenser temperatures are set at 10 ℃, 20 ℃, and 30 ℃ respectively. The transient simulation is conducted with uniform time steps of 10 s. Generally, the heat rejection medium operated at a lower temperature performs better than at a higher temperature. In this CFD study the thermal resistances gets decreased with the decreasing value of condenser temperatures and the deviation of 35.31% of thermal resistance gets decreased with the condenser region operated at the temperature of 10 ℃.

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Open Access
Article ID: 8601
by Furqan Ahmad, Saqlain Abbas, Taha Ejaz, Zulkarnain Abbas, Zahid Hussain, Muhammad Rizwan
Therm. Sci. Eng. 2025, 8(1);   

This study investigates the performance assessment of methanol and water as working fluid in a solar-powered vapour absorption refrigeration system. This research clarifies the system’s performance across a spectrum of operating conditions. Furthermore, the HAP software was utilized to determine and scrutinize the cooling load, facilitating a comparative analysis between software-based results and theoretical calculations. To empirically substantiate the findings, this research investigates methanol-water as a superior refrigerant compared to traditional ammonia- water and LiBr-water systems. Through experimental analysis and its comparison with previous research, the methanol-water refrigeration system demonstrated higher cooling efficiency and better environmental compatibility. The system’s performance was evaluated under varying conditions, showing that methanol-water has a 1% higher coefficient of performance (COP) compared to ammonia-water systems, proving its superior effectiveness in solar-powered applications. This empirical model acts as a pivotal tool for understanding the dynamic relationship between methanol concentration (40%, 50%, 60%) and system performance. The results show that temperature of the evaporator (5–15 ℃), condenser (30 ℃–50 ℃), and absorber (25 ℃–50 ℃) are constant, the coefficient of performance (COP) increases with increase in generator temperature. Furthermore, increasing the evaporator temperature while keeping constant temperatures for the generator (70 ℃–100 ℃), condenser, and absorber improves the COP. The resulting data provides profound insights into optimizing refrigerant concentrations for improved efficiency.

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Open Access
Article ID: 9275
by Aubrey Jaffer, Martin Jaffer
Therm. Sci. Eng. 2025, 8(1);   

This investigation derives formulas to predict the mixed convective surface conductance of a flat isotropic surface roughness having a convex perimeter in a Newtonian fluid with a steady forced flow in the plane of that roughness. Heat transfer measurements of a 30.5 cm square rough plate with forced air velocities between 0.1 m/s and 2.5 m/s were made by the present apparatus in two inclined and all five orthogonal orientations. The present work’s formulas are compared with 104 measurements in twelve data-sets. The twelve data-sets have root-mean-square relative error (RMSRE) values between 1.3% and 4% relative to the present theory. The present work’sformulas are also compared with 78 measurements in 28 data-sets on five vertical rough surfaces in horizontal flow from prior work. The five stucco data-sets have RMSRE values between 2.5% and 6.5%; the other data-sets have RMSRE values between 0.2% and 5%. 

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New Editorial Board!

The TSE's editorial team has recently undergone a reorganization and is pleased to introduce a new editorial board team. This team includes one editor-in-chief, two associate editors, and 48 editorial board members.

The new editorial board will guide the editorial team in advancing the journal's success in the future.

Posted: 2024-07-01
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