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Dr. Daniel Jose Vega-Nieva

Dr. Daniel Jose Vega-Nieva
UJED (University of Durango), Mexico

Dr. Daniel Vega-Nieva has a PhD in Environmental Enginieering from the University of Vigo (Spain). He is a full time professor at the Faculty of Forest Science at the University of Durango (UJED, Mexico). He has authored more than 40 indexed articles and participated in mote than 30 international conferences in the past 10 years.
He participates as a reviewer for the journals Remote Sensing, Forests, Biomass and Bioenergy, Annals of Forest Science and International Journal of Wildland fire, among others.
Dr. Vega has coordinated and collaborated in several national and international projects in the areas of forest fires, forest remote sensing and forest bioenergy, including the coordination of the development of the national forest fire GIS system of Mexico: