A new multifunctional coastal classification for eco-system-service assessments

K. Ahrendt, A. Scalise, H. Sterr, F. Müller, I. Ruljevic


Based on GIS data sets an add-on for a coastal classification system was developed which takes Ecosystem Services (ESS) into account. The coastal area is segmented and afterwards classified. The segmentation is based on Google Earth. Each segment can be characterized by 10 different features including ecosystem services perpendicular to the coastline. If one of the features is changing a new segment will be specified. Therefore, a world-wide application is possible. Tests show that the classification can be easily done. The included ESS can be used to develop a vulnerability index for future development, e.g. for the years 2050 and 2100, based on scenarios for climate and demographic land use change.


ecosystem services; GIS; coastal classification

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/nrcr.v0i0.984


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Copyright (c) 2018 K.i Ahrendt, A. Scalise, H. Sterr, F. Müller, I. Ruljevic

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