Formation clusters of nature using in Agrarian regions of Dagestan: Theory and practice

Eldar Magomedovich Eldarov, Magomedkamil D. Gadzhiev

Article ID: 642
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022



The principles and methods of strategic analysis of processes of using natural resources of Dagestan are justified. The purpose of the study is determined by the tasks of forming territorial clusters capable of ensuring the growth of the competitiveness of the regional economy and the intensification of the mechanisms of public-private partnership. The term “cluster of natural resource management”, underlying the basis of the work, on content corresponds to the notion of a territorial cluster that is at the initial stages of its development. The formation of territorial clusters in rural areas of Dagestan is aimed, in particular, to overcome the dominant trend of monopolized for many decades, it means the indifferent in solving the problems of low level and quality of life of the rural population, resource use.


Dagestan; Natural Resources; Cluster of Nature Using; Nature-use Management; Agro-tourist Cluster

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