Regarding Responsibility for Land Use and Eco-systems Some problems of social traps
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018
Interdisciplinary Studies and cooperations are necessary for practical work as well as studies in geodesy. Responsibility is a function of power, impact and knowledge. The more strategically central one's position is in terms of power, influence and knowledge, the higher one’s responsibility is. This is an idea which can be worked out in more detail by using interdisciplinary approaches and distributive models on different levels.- Social traps, Prisoners’ Dilemma situations etc. as pertaining to land, soil, and environment as well as some examples from geodesics and the study of the usage of nature systems like lakes and flood plain areas are discussed regarding responsibility and distribution problems. “Naturalists’ Dilemmas” (or “Enjoyers’ Dilemmas”) are sketched and potentially solved by proposing a viable distribution strategy.
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