Use of new technologies in water resources prospecting—A case study on Karst of the Polanco Formation, Uruguay
Vol 3, Issue 1, 2020
Hydrogeological background motivated the development of prospective groundwater models in carbonate rocks of the Polanco Formation (Ediacaran). Field and photographic surveys were carried out (SGM, Google Earth and Drone Phantom 2 Vision+), and 3D terrain models were generated to interpret the morpho-structural characteristics of the karst relief. Boreholes and geoelectric data were surveyed. Standard prospective techniques were complemented with remote ground access technologies to generate a specific prospective model for these lithologies. As a result, it was found the existence of folds that generate an inverted relief with “cup” and “tube” type dolines, a karst relief type lapiaz, three springs and the development of wells with an average flow of 30 m3/h. The hydrogeochemical composition corresponds to bicarbonate-calcium waters of natural mineral water quality.
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