Application of vegetable oil-based biopolyols in manufacturing of rigid polyurethane foams – Short review

Aleksander Hejna

Article ID: 648
Vol 1, Issue 1, 2018


The development of polyurethane foams’ market, as well as ongoing trends associated with sustainable development cause increasingly growing interest in the utilization of materials from renewable resources. Great example of such phenomenon is the use of vegetable oils in manufacturing of foamed polyurethanes. These materials can be applied directly or after previous modifications in production of biopolyols, main constituents of polyurethanes. In this paper, analysis of polyurethane foams’ market was presented and forecasts pointing to the potentially increasing position of so-called bio-polyurethanes in the future. Moreover, this paper summarizes previously published reports related to the manufacturing of vegetable oil-based biopolyols and their further incorporation into formulations of rigid polyurethane foams.


Vegetable oils; Biopolyols; Rigid polyurethane foams

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