Study on structural and luminescence properties of Eu-doped CBP phosphors

Khishn Kumar Kandiah, Amirul Syafiq Bin Abdul Jaafa, Vengadaesvaran Balakrishnan, Ramesh Subramaniam, Ramesh Kasi, Adarsh Kumar Pandey, Yee Seng Tan, Nasrudin Abdul Rahim, Sanjay J. Dhoble

Article ID: 2939
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023


Europium (Eu) doped Calcium borophosphate (CBP) phosphors were synthesized via the solid-state diffusion method. The prepared Europium (Eu) doped Calcium borophosphate (CBP) powder was heated up to 600 ℃ for 6 h for a complete diffusion of ions in the powder system. XRD results showed that the prepared phosphors exhibit a well-crystallized hexagonal phase. The complete diffusion inside the CBP/Eu powder system has been confirmed by the presence of elements such as P, O, Bi, Ca, C, Eu, and B. Apart from that, the synthesized powder system has shown a down-conversion property where the Eu3+-activated ion was excited at 251 nm. Under the excitation of 251 nm, CBP/Eu phosphor showed intense emissions peaking at 591,617, and 693 nm due to the 5D07F1, 5D07F2, and 5D07F4 transition of Eu3+ ions. The obtained results suggest that the CBP/Eu phosphors have the potential for spectral response coating materials to improve photovoltaic (PV) panel efficiency.


rare earth materials; phosphor; photoluminescence; europium (Eu); spectral response

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Copyright (c) 2023 Khishn Kumar Kandiah, Amirul Syafiq Bin Abdul Jaafar, Vengadaesvaran Balakrishnan, Ramesh Subramaniam, Ramesh Kasi, Adarsh Kumar Pandey, Yee Seng Tan, Nasrudin Abdul Rahim, Sanjay J. Dhoble

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