Effect of lyophilization and various treatments on spectral characteristics of beef muscle tissue and its main components
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021
Native and lyophilized shredded muscle tissue of beef and its main ingredients (muscle fibers, stroma, stroma proteins) prepared via consecutive treatment with water, saline (Weber solution ) and alkaline (0.6 M NaOH) solutions as well as colloidal solutions-extracts of sarcoplasmic substances, actomyosin and mucopolysaccharide complexes are comparatively studies by attenuated total internal reflection infrared (ATIR) and diffuse reflectance electronic spectroscopy. A high sensitivity, efficiency, extended options and advanced prospects of diffuse spectroscopy are considered in respect of the characterization of the component composition of complex solid-state and liquid biological systems in medical and veterinary practice.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/jacs.v1i2.494
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