COVID-19 lesions image segmentation method based on UniFormer

Peng Geng, Ziye Tan, Xiao Cao, Xiao Wang, Yimeng Wang, Dongxin Zhao, Conghe Wang

Article ID: 7128
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024


In view of the fact that the convolution neural network segmentation method lacks to capture the global dependency of infected areas in COVID-19 images, which is not conducive to the complete segmentation of scattered lesion areas, this paper proposes a COVID-19 lesion segmentation method UniUNet based on UniFormer with its strong ability to capture global dependency. Firstly, a U-shaped encoder-decoder structure based on UniFormer is designed, which can enhance the cooperation ability of local and global relations. Secondly, Swin spatial pyramid pooling module is introduced to compensate the influence of spatial resolution reduction in the encoder process and generate multi-scale representation. Multi-scale attention gate is introduced at the skip connection to suppress redundant features and enhance important features. Experiment results show that, compared with the other four methods, the proposed model achieves better results in Dice, loU and Recall on COVID-19-CT-Seg and CC-CCIII dataset, and achieves a more complete segmentation of the lesion area.


convolutional neural network; COVID-19 lesion image segmentation; self-attention mechanism; multiscale attention gate; spatial pyramid pooling

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