Classification of X-ray images and model evaluation

Aya Naser, Şafak Bera Şafak, Emrah Utkutağ, Simge İnci Sin, Sena Sude Taşkin, İrem Koca, Refika Sultan Doğan

Article ID: 6257
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024


Inflammation of the lungs, called pneumonia, is a disease characterized by inflammation of the air sacs that interfere with the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. It is caused by a variety of infectious organisms, including viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites. Pneumonia is more common in people who have pre-existing lung diseases or compromised immune systems, and it primarily affects small children and the elderly. Diagnosis of pneumonia can be difficult, especially when relying on medical imaging, because symptoms may not be immediately apparent. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have recently shown potential in medical imaging applications. A CNN-based deep learning model is being built as part of ongoing research to aid in the detection of pneumonia using chest X-ray images. The dataset used for training and evaluation includes images of people with normal lung conditions as well as photos of people with pneumonia. Various preprocessing procedures, such as data augmentation, normalization, and scaling, were used to improve the accuracy of pneumonia diagnosis and extract significant features. In this study, a framework for deep learning with four pre-trained CNN models—InceptionNet, ResNet, VGG16, and DenseNet—was used. To take use of its key advantages, transfer learning utilizing DenseNet was used. During training, the loss function was minimized using the Adam optimizer. The suggested approach seeks to improve early diagnosis and enable fast intervention for pneumonia cases by leveraging the advantages of several CNN models. The outcomes show that CNN-based deep learning models may successfully diagnose pneumonia in chest X-ray pictures.


convolutional neural networks; image classification; image processing; medical imaging; artificial intelligence

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