Performance evaluation of YOLOv5 and YOLOv8 models in car detection
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023
Vehicle detection stands out as a rapidly developing technology today and is further strengthened by deep learning algorithms. This technology is critical in traffic management, automated driving systems, security, urban planning, environmental impacts, transportation, and emergency response applications. Vehicle detection, which is used in many application areas such as monitoring traffic flow, assessing density, increasing security, and vehicle detection in automatic driving systems, makes an effective contribution to a wide range of areas, from urban planning to security measures. Moreover, the integration of this technology represents an important step for the development of smart cities and sustainable urban life. Deep learning models, especially algorithms such as You Only Look Once version 5 (YOLOv5) and You Only Look Once version 8 (YOLOv8), show effective vehicle detection results with satellite image data. According to the comparisons, the precision and recall values of the YOLOv5 model are 1.63% and 2.49% higher, respectively, than the YOLOv8 model. The reason for this difference is that the YOLOv8 model makes more sensitive vehicle detection than the YOLOv5. In the comparison based on the F1 score, the F1 score of YOLOv5 was measured as 0.958, while the F1 score of YOLOv8 was measured as 0.938. Ignoring sensitivity amounts, the increase in F1 score of YOLOv8 compared to YOLOv5 was found to be 0.06%.
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