Collaborative intelligent decision systems for safe and reliable AI-assisted medical image diagnostics

Serge Dolgikh

Article ID: 5700
Vol 7, Issue 1, 2024


The cost of diagnostic errors has been high in the developed world economics according to a number of recent studies and continues to rise. Up till now, a common process of performing image diagnostics for a growing number of conditions has been examination by a single human specialist (i.e., single-channel recognition and classification decision system). Such a system has natural limitations of unmitigated error that can be detected only much later in the treatment cycle, as well as resource intensity and poor ability to scale to the rising demand. At the same time Machine Intelligence (ML, AI) systems, specifically those including deep neural network and large visual domain models have made significant progress in the field of general image recognition, in many instances achieving the level of an average human and in a growing number of cases, a human specialist in the effectiveness of image recognition tasks. The objectives of the AI in Medicine (AIM) program were set to leverage the opportunities and advantages of the rapidly evolving Artificial Intelligence technology to achieve real and measurable gains in public healthcare, in quality, access, public confidence and cost efficiency. The proposal for a collaborative AI-human image diagnostics system falls directly into the scope of this program.


image diagnostics; machine learning; transfer learning; collaborative Human-AI systems; intelligent decision systems; AIM

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