Mobile healthcare application on Android OS using cloud computing

Nahla F. Omran

Article ID: 5411
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023


Healthcare mobile applications satisfy different aims by frequently exploiting the built-in features found in smart devices. The accessibility of cloud computing upgrades the extra room, whereby substances can be stored on external servers and obtained directly from mobile devices. In this study, we use cloud computing in the mobile healthcare model to reduce the waste of time in crisis healthcare once an accident occurs and the patient operates the application. Then, the mobile application determines the patient’s location and allows him to book the closest medical center or expert in some crisis cases. Once the patient makes a reservation, he will request help from the medical center. This process includes pre-registering a patient online at a medical center to save time on patient registration. The E-Health model allows patients to review their data and the experiences of each specialist or medical center, book appointments, and seek medical advice.


cloud computing; healthcare; mobile cloud computing; android operating system; firebase

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