Structural discrepancy of the TMJ disc and joint capsule on magnetic resonance imaging. Literature review

Anne-Marie Kusch, Abell Sovero Gaspar

Article ID: 1759
Vol 5, Issue 2, 2022


The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is considered a bicondylar diarthrosis type joint. Imaging evaluation is a fundamental part of its assessment, which should include both bony and soft tissue characteristics and the relationship between them. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) represents the gold standard for the study of soft tissues; however, up to now, its main application continues to be the visualization of the articular disc. For this reason, the present article aimed to point out the information available in the literature regarding the visualization of the joint capsule in MRI and to evaluate it as an independent structure.


Temporomandibular Joint; Temporomandibular Joint Disc; Magnetic Resonance Imaging

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