Image quality control and dosimetry for digital mammography, using the Normi Mam Digital phantom

Angélica Calderón-Mata, Luis Arce-Corrales, Ricardo Mejías-Gamboa

Article ID: 1731
Vol 4, Issue 1, 2021


In Costa Rica, there is no explicit recommendation from the competent authorities for the use of a specific phantom, so experts must explore what suppliers offer, among which the Normi Mam Digital phantom from PTW stands out. This article presents the results of the dosimetry and image quality control applied to the Normi Mam Digital phantom to validate it as equipment that complies with the recommendations of the Human Health Series No. 17. The results obtained were satisfactory, proving that the equipment complies with the tolerances recommended by international health bodies.


X-ray; Imaging; Radiation; Medical Technology

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