Construction of High-Quality Classrooms in Junior Middle School Sports under the Background of Learning-Practice-Competition Integration

Pingfan Hu

Article ID: 2441
Vol 6, Issue 2, 2023

VIEWS - 724 (Abstract) 56 (PDF)


Taking learning as the basis, practice as the path, and competition as the promotion. In the process of coordination and unity of learning-practice-competition, it can promote students' learning motivation, strengthen students' practice motivation, and promote students' active performance in competition activities. Under the influence of positive self-efficacy performance, active sense of achievement, etc., it can promote students' interest and experience in sports activities, strengthen students' learning effects, and promote the active construction of high-quality sports classrooms in junior high schools. Next, this article will discuss the effective construction of a high-quality junior high school sports classroom under the background of the integration of "learning-practice-competition" based on its own junior high school physical education teaching practice.


Junior High School Physical Education; Learning-Practice-Competition Integration; High-Quality Classroom; Strategy

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