KSG: Indicator of Economic Concentration
Vol 5, Issue 1, 2022
In the fields of Management and Economics, there are many studies that have made use of the degree of concentration of a market or industry, especially when dealing with subjects such as industrial concentration. However, these indexes do not adequately present the level of significance. This problem is overcome by the proposed KSG indicator based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test and whose interpretation of significance is given by Goodman. Hence the name: KSG. The proposed model uses non-parametric techniques to establish the dimension of concentration and defines the level of significance of the value found. This is a quantitative study using parametric statistics (polynomial regression) on data generated through simulation. In each data simulation, for the given value of n companies, the share of Company 1 is made to vary, with the other shares being maintained unchanged. For each simulation, data related to values of “Share of Company 1” were extracted and corresponding indexes: KSG, CR4, CR8 and HHI. The results show that the indicator proposed in this study is fully justified.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.24294/fsj.v5i1.829
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