An optimized secure dual authentication for VANETs
Vol 6, Issue 1, 2023
“Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET)” has emerged as a hotbed of research and development. This technology has been utilized to improve vehicle and road safety by transmitting information about traffic congestion and road conditions during emergencies in order to soothe drivers and passengers. However, such environments are more vulnerable to security risks. Thus, the primary challenge in such an environment is to provide authentication services while maintaining user confidentiality. To that end, a trustworthy authority (TA) is established, which offers services to users as well as authentication of communications transmitted between trusted authorities and VANET nodes. A trusted authority (TA) is established using VANETs to supply clients with a range of online premium services. As a result, preserving the confidentiality and authenticity of messages conducted between the TA and VANET nodes is crucial. Our proposed method minimizes recognition latency by up to 85% when compared to On-site Driver ID, and decreases authentication latency by up to 94%, respectively.
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